The fourth annual legacy breakfast in the William D. Walsh Family Library was held prior to commencement for Fordham alumni with family members in this year's graduating class. Over orange juice and bagels, more than 170 students, parents and family members toasted the day. Below, Alumni banner bearer Nelson Gonzalez, CBA '75, poses with daughter Jeannette Gonzalez, CBA '09.

Above, Gregory Costa, FCLS '82, embraces daughter Morgan Costa, FCRH '09, prior to her commencement. Below, Arthur Chin, CBA '09, joins his family: from left to right, Benjamin Chin, Constance Fung, Sylvia Chin, LAW '77, and Edward Chin, LAW '77.

Above, Dora Williams, FCRH '81, gets some help with her ceremonial sash from son Ronald Williams, FCRH '09. Below, Father Joseph M. McShane, S.J., president of Fordham, explains to Devin McNamara, FCRH '09, how to put on his academic hood, as Paul McNamara, FCRH '72, proudly watches on.