Every year, School of Law Professor Joel Reidenberg assigns students in his Information Privacy Law class to compile a dossier of personal information, using available online resources, on an individual. Usually, that individual is Joel Reidenberg.
Not this year.
In response to recent remarks on the subject of privacy and the law made by U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice Antonin Scalia at the Institute of American and Talmudic Law conference, Reidenberg assigned his students to compile a dossier on the Justice. Reidenberg described what types of information they were able to find at Fordham's recent privacy conference -- prompting a story in the online tabloid Above The Law. That, in turn, spurred an angry retort by Scalia, followed by a rebuttal by Reidenberg and another story, this time in the ABA Journal.
What will happen next? Stay tuned!
—Syd Steinhardt
Martin Luther King - "I have a dream "- 1963
No one who was alive and sentient failed to recognize the importance of
the moment when
in August 1963 - *a hell of a year *- Martin Luther King spoke t...
5 hours ago