Thursday, May 24, 2012

Center for Positive Marketing Seeks Papers

The Fordham Schools of Business’ Center for Positive Marketing is looking for submissions for its second annual conference for positive marketing, which will be held November 1-2 at the Lincoln Center campus. 

If you see marketing as an agent for positive influence in society and not simply a facilitator of the exchange of goods and services, and can demonstrate it in a paper that incorporates interdisciplinary research, your work could be considered for the “Best Positive Marketing Paper” award. 

The award carries a $1,000 cash prize and acceptance for publication in the Journal of Business Research.

The deadline for extended abstracts (1,000 words or less, not including references) of the papers is Monday, July 2, with decisions to follow by August 6. The deadline for full papers (following the acceptance of extended abstracts) is October 1.

Proposals can be submitted by creating an account at: and submitting it through the “Author Corner” section at the bottom right.

For questions about the conference, contact Linda Purcell at

For more information about the Center for Positive Marketing, please visit
—Patrick Verel

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