Monday, 26 January
12:15 p.m. Rupert Mayer, S.J. Chapel, LL221
Daily Mass*
Presider: George Drance, S.J.
12:45 p.m. South Lounge
“Why are Jesuits in Schools?”
Charles J. Beirne, S.J., Visiting Professor in the Graduate School of Education, consultant on Jesuit Higher Education in Africa, will lead the discussion. Lunch will be served.
5:15 p.m. South Lounge
The Mission
Vincent DeCola, S.J. will lead a discussion of various themes running through this award winning film, starring Robert De Niro and Jeremy Irons as Jesuits working among the Guaraní Indians of South America.
Tuesday, 27 January
12:15 p.m. Blessed Rupert Mayer, S.J. Chapel, LL221
Daily Mass*
Presider: Rev. Terrence Klein
5:30 p.m. McMahon 109
Meet the JVC (Jesuit Volunteer Corps)
Come and meet the Jesuit Volunteer Corps members who are currently serving in New York City. It’s a great chance to find out more about life in the JVC. Former JVC Director Vincent DeCola, S.J., will also be on hand with information. Dinner will be provided.
6:10-7:45 p.m. Blessed Rupert Mayer, S.J. Chapel, LL221
Interfaith Zen Meditation
Roshi Robert Kenedy, S.J., Jesuit priest and zen master, will speak about the Jesuit mission on interreligious dialog and lead zen sitting meditation. All are welcome! Healthy refreshments will be available after the meditation.
Wednesday, 28 January
12:15 p.m. Rupert Mayer, S.J. Chapel, LL221
Daily Mass*
Presider: Robert R. Grimes, S.J.
7 p.m. McMahon 205/206
Black Robe
Damian O’Connell, S.J., will lead the discussion, following a viewing of this engaging movie about the challenging relationship between the Jesuits and Native Americans in the 17th century and the implications for interreligious dialogue today. Light dinner will be served.
9:30 p.m. McMahon 6G
Mass in McMahon 6G
Join other students for Mass in an informal setting in Fr. O’Connell’s suite. Refreshments will be served following Mass.
Thursday, 29 January
11:30 a.m. TBA
Ambassador Luncheon
Campus Ministry will host the student ambassadors and will discuss the Jesuit Catholic identity of the University.
12:15 p.m. Rupert Mayer, S.J. Chapel, LL221
Daily Mass*
Presider: Patrick Ryan, S.J.
Friday, 30 January
12:15 p.m. Rupert Mayer, S.J. Chapel, LL221
Daily Mass*
Presider: Damian O'Connell, S.J.
1 p.m. Lowenstein Plaza
Ice Cream Social
Join us on the plaza for some ice cream and good company.
*Themes of the Spiritual Exercises will be addressed at daily Masses.
Ignatian Awareness week celebrates the rich Ignatian heritage
with which Fordham has been blessed.
The events of this week are aimed at helping us to appreciate this heritage
through the work of local Jesuits and their colleagues. For more information, contact Campus Ministry at
Severance 2.6: Tables
Another breathtakingly complex, actually beautiful episode -- 2.6 -- of
*Severance*. Tables sum it all up for me. Let me explain.
I thought all the key...
6 hours ago
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