Roshi Robert Kennedy, S.J., will speak today, January 27, as part of Fordham’s Ignatian Week about his life's work: his Zen practice and interpretation of Christianity through Zen eyes.
The interfaith discussion will be held today at 3 p.m. in The Blessed Rupert Mayer Chapel, Lowenstein Center, Room 221, at Fordham University’s Lincoln Center campus. All are welcome.
If you can’t make Roshi Kennedy’s talk and would like to become involved in Fordham Zen, on Tuesday, Feb. 16, Brenda Shoshanna, Ph.D., will sit with the group and speak about her recent book, Jewish Dharma: A Guide to the Practice of Judaism and Zen. Raised as an orthodox Jew in Borough Park, she has been a Zen student of the Japanese master Eido Roshi for 37 years. She will speak about how she maintains her Jewish identity and Zen practice side by side.
Fordham’s regular visiting Zen teachers, Senseis Paul Schubert and Michael Holleran, join in the practice on the first and fourth Tuesdays of each month in The Blessed Rupert Mayer Chapel from 6:10 to 7:45 p.m. Both dharma heirs of Roshi Kennedy give a talk and daisan: private interviews to discuss issues arising from practice.
Beginners are welcome, and the sittings are free and open to all. Zen is sponsored by Fordham’s Office of Campus Ministry. For a full schedule of Ignatian Week events visit their website.
First they came for Columbia - Steven Levitsky - harvard Crimson
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